Friday, August 31, 2012

Who Wants to Take the Edtech Challenge?

Effective technology integration is not always an easy task. Lack of time, our comfort level with technology, and access to resources are just a few of the many challenges that we must overcome in order to provide a 21st century learning environment for our students. We cannot do it alone! So let's work together to improve our teaching practice and harness the power of technology in the classroom.

So, do you want to take the edtech challenge? Each week I will post a new "edtech challenge". This will be a specific task that you can do with your class that integrates technology, 21st century skills and effective teaching practices. As you complete each challenge, please leave a comment to share your experience with others. Were you successful in completing the challenge? How did your students respond to the technology? Would you do it again? What insights can you share about your experience? Share anything that will guide our learning. So let's have some fun and improve our teaching at the same time. I hope you can join me in taking the edtech challenge!

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